F A C T (Fabric Art Creative Textiles) Young Embroiderers' Current Poster and Newsletter


Last Saturday (21st June) at the Regional Day FACTs had 3 entries to the Junior Embroiderers' competition. Bella and Matilde were unplaced but received a goody bag for entering. Isobelle gained a first and 'Best in Show' winning a sewing machine supplied by Janome, threads from Wonderfil, needles from John James and a book from Embroiderers' Guild Bookshop. The competition was judged by a vey enthusiastic Nicola Jarvis. 





Banner created by FACTs group during the workshop meetings for the 40th Anniversary of the Young Embroiderers (now JETS - Junior Embroiderers and Textile Students)




















Our banner featured in the West Midlands Region JETS display at Uttoxeter Quilt Village in April

Our banner featured in the JETs display at the Fashion and Stitch Show at the NEC in March 



9th May 2015  









8th February 2014



Learn Bargello on plastic canvas and then make it into a needle case





January 2014




November 2013



  September 2013





June 2013 



May 2013

April 2013


April Newsletter

Fabric Art, Creative Textiles

The ’Fabric Art and Creative Textiles’ group for young people had a great meeting at Nantwich Museum on Saturday 27th April.

Judy led the young people in making shoe prints by using transfer dyes.
The prints were put onto fabric and then stitched. Running stitch and backstitch were the favourites.

These enhanced shoe prints were then applied onto a larger piece of fabric using the sewing machine.

There was plenty of help and guidance available for those young people who had not used a sewing machine before.

Once the shoe design had been appliquéd on to the base fabric the young people were ready to sew up the sides and make a casing in order to make the shoe bag.

Everyone had to make twisted cords for drawstrings; the young people managed this well-it was the adults who got into muddles!


We all had great fun whilst making our shoe print bags!

‘Cool’ and ‘fantastic’ were comments made by the young people as they admired their completed work.

We hope that you can join us for our next FACTS session – more information below.

Fabric Art, Creative Textiles
Heads with Hats - make a puppet.
On Saturday, 25th May
At Nantwich Museum from 1.30-4.00pm.
Cost £2.50 per young person, £5.00 per family
Sponsored by the South Cheshire Embroiderers’ Guild/Young Embroiderers’sewalong@hotmail.co.uk



           Fabric Art, Creative Textiles
March Newsletter

On Saturday, 30th March the Fabric Art, Creative Textiles group had their first full afternoon workshop at Nantwich Museum. (This followed the ‘Go Wild’ drop in taster in February)
The focus of the session was to ‘Make a Spring Picture’.     

The photographs show how enthusiastic the young people were as they designed, coloured and stitched a picture to mount on a canvas.
They all learnt how ironing can fix Bondaweb, freezer paper and fabric pastels.


Eleven children aged from 5 to 10 years sewed on buttons and then quilted or made borders using running stitch and blanket stitch.
Our Guild members ensured that the young people were able to further develop their creative and textile skills whilst using irons and needles safely.

Parents who stayed were able to learn lots of new skills too!

In the time available those  children who had finished their ‘Spring Picture’ , were able to make an Easter animal using felt.
A rabbit, chick and hedgehog were produced.

Many thanks to our helpers, young people and parents. We hope to see you again on 27th April 2013.